Friday, November 6, 2009

The Big 3-0

When I was 8, I wanted to be 10. When I was 11, I wanted to be 13. When I was 14, I wanted to be 16 and when I was 19, I wanted to be 21. Fondly enough, I never remember once in my 20s, wishing that I was 30.

But... here I am, not only 30 years old - but married and pregnant! Ha, if my 20 year-old self could see me now!

To be honest, I think there is something very sexy and sophisticated about young mothers in their 30s. They seem to have things together, they may not know exactly what tomorrow brings, but they know who they are.

I know who I am - even though I've got a new name and a baby growing inside me. I know that I have been blessed beyond measure with an amazing husband and supportive friends and family. I know that God has always looked out for me and has made sure that even when things are tough, I know He's got my back.

And, I know for the first time that I want to be my age. I don't wish I could turn back the clocks and repeat those years - they were hard enough - I'll gladly leave them behind. I guess the best thing about turning 30, is actually wanting to be 30.