Monday, June 2, 2008

Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon - Yay, I finished!

First, I want to thank all the people who helped me raise money for Team Darfur. I don't know the final number but I'm pretty sure that we hit the $2000 goal. Second... my legs hurt soooo bad! But however bad my legs feel, all 5 hours and 20 minutes of running was worth it!

This was the second marathon that I ran (also the second that I was dumb enough to run without training). In 2003, I ran the Boston Marathon in just under 5 hours (4:59). Marathons are challenging and make you push yourself to the limit. Something that surprised me was just how many people ran the marathon. There were all body types and ages.

The highlight of my run (besides seeing all the "Elvi"), was when Jon showed up at mile 20 and ran the last 6 miles with me. I was really happy to see him and he helped me push through the hardest part of the race. One of the other touching parts of the race was how many people were running for someone else. There were people running with pictures of their loved ones on their backs. It felt good to know that I too was running for someone, the children of Darfur.

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